Guides and Resources
- Pentest Types
- Co-branded Pentest Reports
- How to Recover your Cobalt Account
- Can't sign into Cobalt
- Enforce 2FA for Your Organization
- Cobalt PtaaS Tiers: Frequently Asked Questions
- Pentest Slack Channel
- Create a Pentest
- How do I add new users?
- What do the user roles mean?
- How to contact Cobalt Support
- Assets
- What happens when I fix a finding? When is it re-tested?
- Cloud Hosting Provider Authorization
- Introducing the Cobalt API
- How to report a security issue/vulnerability?
- Coverage Checklist items
- Lifecycle of a Pentest Program
- How pentesters evaluate severity of findings
- Cobalt Coverage Checklist
- How long does the pentest take? What are the stages?
- How do I manage notifications?
- How do I sort or filter my findings?
- What does each state of the finding mean?
- What Happens When I Fix a Finding? When Do You Retest It?
- How do I access the findings?
- How do I download the Report? What do the different versions mean?
- How can I remove a team member from all pentests?
- Cobalt Credits Feature
- Marking a finding as Accepted Risk